Mini Project Competition 2020

Date: 05th Dec, 2020
Time: 10:00 AM To 12:30 PM
Department of CSE has organized a Mini Project Competition for 3rd, 5th& 7th semester students on 5th December, 2020. This was aimed at bringing awareness to the importance of Project development, coding,presentation and employability skills among students. Jury panel consisted of Mr. Kamal R, Software Architect, TCS and Mr.VinodUnnikrishnan, Product Owner, Dell Services. Winners are as below:
3rd Sem:
Rakshitha B A
Swapnil Shukla
Kiran Raj Suresh Malali
5th Sem:
Rahul M Dinesh
BabuAman Singh
Harshit Pant
7th Sem:
Nagarjun U