VTU sponsored Five days Faculty Development Programme on Big Data Analytics

Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Date: 21.01.2019
Department of Computer Science and Engineering hosted VTU sponsored five days Faculty Development Programme on Big Data Analytics from 21st Jan to 25th Jan 2019, in association with CSI.
The FDP programme received a lot of responses with overall 30 participants from various engineering colleges in and around Karnataka.
Dr. Suresh, Director, CIT, Gubbi, Executive Council Member, VTU, Chairman IE, Tumkur, Local Center was the chief guest for the inaugural function, shared his valuable thought about the technologies of the decade and how big data is influencing the business market.
Day 1 session started with Mr. Kumar Saurabh, Senior Data Scientist, Mind Tree, Bangalore and Mr. Nimish Kumar, Team Lead, Walmart Labs. The resource persons focused on the machine learning concepts.
Day 2 session started with resource person Mr. Prabakar Reddy, Big Data Engineer, Amazon Web Service, Bangalore. The resource person shared his knowledge about data warehousing, OLAP, OLTP concepts followed by hands-on session on AWS Clue, Amazon Athena.
Day 3 forenoon session with the resource person Dr. Kamatchi Priya, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. She shared her knowledge about support vector machines followed by hands on session with R tool.
Day 3 afternoon session started with an introduction of the resource person Mr. Kalyan Chembeti, Principal Big Data, Specialist Analytics, Happiestminds, Bangalore. The participants were introduced with the various Hadoop tools like Hbase, Spark, and Hive.
Day 4 morning session started with an introduction of the resource person Mr.Chandrsekhar, Senior Software Engineer, Impetus Infotech, Bangalore. The participants were introduced with HDFS architecture and Mapreduce. Later the session was taken over by Ms Jisha ,Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering .Participants experienced hands-on Map reduce concepts.
Day 4 afternoon session with an introduction of the resource person Mr.Sachin, Sr.Principal – AI Technology, Bangalore. The participants were introduced with Text mining techniques with case studies on web and social network analysis.
Day 5 Morning session was handled by Ms.Jisha and provided hands on various Hadoop tools like Hbase, Spark, Hive and Pig.